Sunday, February 15, 2009

Christmas at Home - after two years away...

We decided last June to go home for the holidays, after missing the last couple of Christmases. As you can tell from the look on Noah's face, it was the right choice. Their is nothing like being home for the holidays for us. We spent time with the Summerhays family (we were all together again - twice in the same year, which is without doubt a record!), and we spent time with the Bradfords. The kids got all sorts of fun stuff, but the best part of the whole trip was merely being together. We spent the entire two weeks simply hanging out with family members, and couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift than this. I think it was especially valuable for the kids. I have to keep reminding myself that they experience time differently than we do. If I don't see my brother for six months or so, not much changes. He's still bald, I'm still good looking, but for the kids, six months is an eternity. Driving home stinks (especially when you get two speeding tickets in the same day - Wyoming and Iowa Highway Patrol cost me about 5 liters of plasma), but there is no question that it is worth the cost in time, treasure and tears (ooooohhhh, there's some alliteration for you, too bad its so cheesy).


marilee said...

WE are so glad that you came home for the holidays! We miss our friends... by the way - nice pj's tiffy!

literaqueen said...

And why were you driving over the speed limit? It's karma, I tell you. Or poetic justice.

Aubrey Garff said...

Man, I wish we could have been there so bad! We will be home next year!

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

Tiffy, your robe brought back a ton of Iowa memories--miss you tons!

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

Sam wants to know if Isaac is any good at skateboarding yet?